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Contact 270sims by e-mail at with your desired user name, and we’ll add you as an Author so you can post your campaigns.
To download games for campaigns that run on older, Classic games, you can go to .
This is my custom built 2024. I tried my best to make the margins as realistic to the actual results as possible, with that being said, it’s still very possible to win as Harris. The campaign just features more narrow gameplay, no flipping Indiana or Colorado.
The campaign is based on the base scenario, but features upgraded portraits and issue icons. It also features drastically re-written bios for the issues. The margins have been perfectly adjusted to allow for sensible results.
Every nominee has fleshed out gameplay. Sometimes it’s fun to just play as RFK Jr withdrawn candidacy and just watch the results. Think of this as a realistic election simulator as well as a game.
The 1998 Australian Federal Election is shaping up to be a defining moment in the nation’s political landscape.
While the Howard Government seeks re-election on the back of economic management and tax reform, the opposition Labor Party, led by Kim Beazley, is determined to capitalize on voter anxieties surrounding the proposed Goods and Services Tax (GST). However, the electoral battlefield is more complicated than a simple two-party contest, the rise of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation has shaken traditional party alignments, particularly in Queensland and rural Australia, where discontent over globalisation, immigration, and economic change is driving a populist surge. Meanwhile, the Democrats aim to position themselves as the party of moderation, promising to keep the GST in check if it passes the Senate. The Greens, still a minor force, advocate for stronger environmental policies, while the Nationals struggle with internal divisions over how to handle One Nation’s growing support in their heartland, with the Coalition banking on tax reform, Labor campaigning against it, and One Nation disrupting the status quo, this election presents a host of challenges and opportunities for every party involved.
The question now is: Who will shape Australia’s future?
The stakes are high, and the future of Australia at the turn of the millennium is in your hands.
The United States is in turmoil. Inflation is soaring at 9%, unemployment is high, and the economy is stagnant—a phenomenon dubbed stagflation. President Gerald Ford, having never been elected to the presidency or vice presidency, struggles to gain legitimacy after pardoning Richard Nixon, a move that enrages the public. His approval ratings are dismal, and his attempts to curb inflation with initiatives like Whip Inflation Now (WIN) fail to gain traction. The nation is restless, looking for change.
Despite being the incumbent, Ford faces a fierce primary challenge from former California Governor Ronald Reagan, who portrays Ford as weak and insufficiently conservative. Reagan excites the party base but struggles with moderate and liberal Republicans who see him as too radical. Ford ultimately edges out Reagan at the Republican National Convention, but at great cost—he alienates many conservatives.
The Democratic field is crowded. Jimmy Carter, the former governor of Georgia, presents himself as a Washington outsider, capitalizing on voter distrust of the political establishment. His strategy works, allowing him to edge out opponents like:
In reality, Carter won by portraying himself as an honest, small-town Southerner against the tainted Ford administration. But in a year of political upheaval, one or two changes could have rewritten history.
Would a different VP pick have saved Ford? Would Reagan have pushed the GOP to an early conservative revolution? Could Kennedy have rewritten history four years earlier?
Please continue to support 270sims and let me know in the comments if you want anything added and or if there’s anything that needs to be fixed.
The 2023 Manitoba general election is due to be held on October 3, 2023, to elect 57 members to the 44th Legislative Assembly of Manitoba. The incumbent Progressive Conservatives led by Premier of Heather Stefanson, are attempting to win a third term in government, having previously won the 2016 and 2019 elections under the leadership of Brian Pallister. The New Democratic Party, led by Wab Kinew and four other parties will be among the competitors. Who will emerge victorious?
The 1913 Alberta general election will be the third general election held in the Province of Alberta. Taking place on April 17, 1913, to elect 56 members to the 3rd Alberta Legislature. The incumbent Liberal Party led by Premier Arthur Sifton are aiming for a third consecutive majority government. The Conservative Party led by Edward Michener are hoping to defeat the Liberals by capitalizing on the A&GW scandal that led to Premier Rutherford’s resignation. Who will emerge victorious on election night.
This election is shaping up to be a challenge for the opposition, whose support appears fractured across four distinct parties. Despite their best efforts to attack the incumbent CAQ government, the opposition’s message is failing to coalesce and gain traction with voters.
With the traditional left-right divides blurring, the opposition vote is being split between a struggling Liberal party, a gasping sovereigntist movement, an ascendant left-wing Quebec Solidaire, and a conservative challenger. This division in the anti-CAQ vote is playing into the hands of the governing party, who are poised to retain power.
The once-dominant sovereigntist movement, in particular, is gasping its last breaths, as the leading separatist party fails to reignite public passion for the independence cause. Voters seem more preoccupied with pocketbook issues and the delivery of public services than the grand project of Quebec sovereignty, With some pundits had speculated about a potential political realignment.
This scenario offers you with many possibilities:
The 1909 Alberta general election will be the second general election held in the Province of Alberta. Taking place on March 22, 1909, to elect 41 members to the 2nd Alberta Legislature. The incumbent Liberal Party led by Premier Alexander C. Rutherford are aiming for a second majority government. The Conservative Party led by Albert Robertson appears to have a tough task ahead to emerge victorious on election night.
Version 2 removed TV and Web Ads.